Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Film Called Smile

As I wrote in the previous post, I hear regularly from people in Turkey. Today when I checked my e-mail I had received a post for Facebook from a friend who is an American in Istanbul. His name is David, and he hired me in 2006 for an English teacher position at the language school where he was then the education manager. What he sent me today was especially moving. It is a Turkish short film called Gulumse or Smile. I hope he is not using this as bait to get me to come back there.

Smile is an uplifting film which I believe is set in the Turkish port city of Izmir, not Istanbul.

Smile brings back fond memories. It made me smile!


Ardent said...

An absolutely lovely clip to start off my week. A smile and a good deed certainly goes a long way.

Sincerae (means "Morningstar") said...

It is a wonderful clip and shows some of "the Turkish personality" which Arin Bayraktaroglu says in her book Culture Shock! Turkey is a mixture of the Romantic and sentimental.

Sincerae Bonita Smith's Facebook profile