Monday, January 28, 2008

Flowers In Africa

This is bougainvillea which was a flower both Africans and expats planted at their homes when I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Botswana. Africainement, a blogger in Senegal, posted some unusual and beautiful flowers native to various African countries on her blog last week. You can see them here. Africa is known for its fauna (animal life), but its' flora (plant life) is overlooked.
Well, it is too delightful and Romantic looking for me to overlook:)


Ardent said...

What a coincidence! I just did a post on a flower on my site and came over to visit you and you also have a post about flowers.

I have a few bulbs which I grow which are indigenous to Africa:
Haemanthus coccineus and Haemanthus albiflos and a few cactii.

I absolutely love bougainvillea when it is in flower. I do not grow it because it becomes rampant.

Lovely post.

Sincerae (means "Morningstar") said...

Yes, what a pleasant coincidence!
And flowers are pleasant, but not if you have allergies:)

Sincerae Bonita Smith's Facebook profile