Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lady With A Unicorn, by Raphael

I just wrote about the wonders of Dover Publications. With some of the samples they e-mailed me this week came a painting from their 120 Italian Renaissance Paintings CD-ROM and book called Lady With A Unicorn, by Raphael. Amazingly, last week Emma Alvarez posted a very interesting and informative article about unicorns on her blog entitled Unicorns, Symbols of Purity .
With unicorns mentioned in a number of cultures, literature, and even nines times in The Bible, did these mythical animals really trot and gallop here on earth?


Emma Alvarez said...

I love Rapahael but I don't remembered this picture!. Thank you Sincerae!!!

Sincerae (means "Morningstar") said...

Glad that Dover forwarded it to me, and you could see it. I think I've glimpsed the painting before in the past somewhere. I think it is quite a beauty, don't you? :)

Emma Alvarez said...

It's really beautiful.

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